I am a bad, bad, person and didn't post last week. That's right. Lately my goal has been a mere ONE POST PER WEEK. And I couldn't even swing that.
I hate myself sometimes.
Especially times like this, when I had something really, really important to blog about.
I'll be teaching a beginning novel workshop at the annual Writing for Young Readers conference this summer. This is one of the premier writing conferences for writers/illustrators of kids/YA books. PREMIER!
The thing is, this year instead of being held at the traditional location (BYU in Provo, Utah) WIFYR will be held at the Waterford School in Sandy, Utah. And this change in venue has led to a lot of people thinking the event's been canceled. Not so! So The Six, my writers group/BFFs/misc., who are all WIFYR fans, determined to spread word of its greatness to writers far and wide.
And YES, aspiring writers count as writers! So if you are one of those people who just think of yourself as a "wannabe" writer, this is for you! Especially my morning workshop. I don't mean to shamelessly self-promote...no, really, I don't...but my class is aimed at "wanna-be" writers. The ones I meet at book signings, and when I ask if they're a writer, they pause, turn red, and say, "not really." I have found that in 100% of cases I've seen, not really means, "I'm not a real writer because I don't have anything published, so if I say I'm a writer you will probably yell at/scoff at/laugh at me."
I do NONE OF THE ABOVE, because I too was an unpublished writer once. Guess what? All "real" writers have been unpublished! Then, we went to conferences like this one, learned more about our craft, made connections, and here we are.
Anyway, The SIXers are holding giveaways in order to spread the word about this conference. This is where my shame comes in, because technically, Kim's contest is already over. She was the one to come up with the idea, which is this: sign up for the WIFYR Conference ( June 14-18 )and be entered to win one of many book-related prizes! Now, if you sign up for the conference, enter Kim's contest and tell her it's my fault you're late. She will let you enter anyway...I will make it my business to see she lets you enter you anyway.
Meanwhile, Valynne's contest is still open, and she's (surprise!) giving away books too! And if by chance you can't personally attend the conference, all is not lost! You can still enter in myriad ways (not radio-contest ways, like sitting on a block of ice or swimming in Jello. Much easier ways).
And, of course, Brodi's contest. Sign up for the conference, and you will likely win one of five...wait for it...free books!
Now, to add to the fun, I am also having a contest! This is my first official contest/giveaway on this blog. Not that I've ever unofficially given anything away on this blog. Truth be told, I'm pretty cheap, so giving away awesome things like brand-new books? Um, why would I do that?
For WIFYR, of course. I'm doing it all for WIFYR.
I bet you can't guess that my prizes are...
An autographed copy of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. I bought this copy at the Salt Lake City BEAUTIFUL CREATURES launch party and had authors Kami Garcia and Margy Stohl sign it to NO ONE lest I ever hold a contest. Now the day has come.
An autographed copy of THE DARK DIVINE by fellow member of The SIX Bree Despain.
An autographed copy of PRINCESS FOR HIRE by Lindsey Leavitt, which isn't even officially out yet. I know a guy.
Of course, winners can also choose an autographed copy of my own THE WAY HE LIVED, if they so desire. And, you know, it's cheaper for me.
To be one of the FOUR winners in this very generous contest (with equally generous prizes):
--Leave a comment showing your support (of WIFYR, The SIX, me personally--it doesn't much matter) +1
--Blog, Facebook, Tweet about this contest and conference +2 each
--Register for the full conference and tell me in the comments +10
--Register for the full conference AND register for Emily Wing Smith's workshop (again, NOT shameless self-promotion; I saw Valynne was doing it and wanted to be like her) +15