Where I Went Instead of BEA

This week, while my colleagues and friends were attending Book Expo America (BEA) in New York City, I was in Las Vegas.  No, this was not a consolation trip to cheer me up for missing BEA...or maybe it was.  But it was unintentional.  I promised my husband we'd go to Vegas to see Cirque du Soleil's LOVE (a tribute to the Beatles) for his birthday.  His birthday was six weeks ago and we finally had time to get away for a few days.  And let me tell you, it made me forget all my cares! For those who've never seen a Cirque du Soleil show or, more to the point LOVE,  I'll try to explain.  People say it's a glorified French-Canadian circus troupe, but that SO doesn't even come close.  LOVE was part Broadway musical, part rock concert, part magic show and part Mardi Gras parade.  Dan loves the acrobatics.  I loved the KILLER soundtrack.   I give the performance two thumbs way up.

Near the end of the trip I realized that while I had pictures of food a-plenty, I hadn't taken pictures of anything else.  This thought occured to me at Caesar's Palace, and right away a photo op presented itself:


Check out my guns!  Don't I look tough?

I know, I know.  You don't have to say it.

On another note:  As random commenter Juliana pointed out, whatever happened to my sister, scribe extraordinaire and computer genius, who helped me with my posts?  It's like when Aunt Jodi mysteriously disappeared from Jon and Kate Plus Eight!  Whaddya say, Juliana?  This weekend, for some blog bonding/Rock Band?  I'll call you!