Some Of My Best Friends Are Teens...

So, this marks the end of the Week of Girls Camp and the beginning of a new, possibly less crazy week.  Possibly. Girls Camp reaffirmed my beliefs that:

1) I am, indeed, allergic to nature.  Mainly in the physical sense of sniffing, sneezing and general itchiness.  But I also just don't enjoy the outdoors that much.  This has not changed since I was a teen.  It probably never will.

2) I am, indeed, the most accident-prone person known to man.  Our campsite had quite uneven terrain, and with my high-quality walking skills, you can imagine how that turned out.  I just discovered a new fist-sized bruise on my leg today.

The sad part is I have no idea which of my accidents caused the bruise.  It's like on one of those trashy TV shows where (through a DNA test) a woman learns which of a long line of  men is indeed the father of her child.  "Ray, you're not the father.  Angelo, you're not the father.  RJ, you're not the father..."

With accidents, I have had multiple partners.

Additionally, I hit my head on the camp's makeshift waterslide, burned myself on a hot marshmallow roaster, and got seven bug bites.  Oh yeah, and lest I forget the piece de resistance....


Huh.  Okay, so the picture I wanted included a rock climbing wall in the background, but oh well.  This is a picture of Kim, Maribah, and Mariah standing NEXT to the rock climbing wall.  Use your imagination and picture me on a rock climbing wall.  Now stop laughing long enough to read that no, this is not a joke.  At the request of my girls, I not only climbed said wall, I MADE IT TO THE TOP!  Rock on Em-Dawg!  If I do say so myself.  Also noteworthy was how I made it to the top with no problem.  Alas, I had to get down.  I thought this was the easy part.  Everybody before me just let go of the rock, kicked off the wall, and down they fell in a nice, straight line.

I should have known it wouldn't go that way for me.  I let go of the rock, kicked off the wall, and fell at an angle, narrowly missing a collision with the girl climbing next to me.  To avoid hitting her, I over-corrected and swung as far to the left as my bungee would go.  Then I stopped short (still halfway between the ground and the top of the wall).  I was just hanging there, wondering what to do, when I dropped the rest of the way down.  The guy in charge looked completely baffled.


See!  This is the rock wall!  I'm not climbing it, but I don't have a picture of that anyway.  And Sydney and Rachel, pictured here, are way cuter.

Which brings me to the 3rd belief reaffirmed by camp:  I am so lucky to get to hang with these awesome girls.  They are far and away the best thing about camp (there's not even a close second.  The food, while good, doesn't even compare).

Did you know at Girls Camp people give each other lots of stuff?  This stuff consists of very cute handmade craft-type items.  I had no such items to give my girls.  Even if I'd had handmade craft-type items, they'd totally bite  because most accident-prone person known to man?  Remember?  So instead of giving them a craft-type item, I wrote them a song.  And by "wrote," I mean I made up new lyrics to an already existing song ("The World," by Brad Paisley).  I sang it to them at the campfire our last night (and by "sang" I mean that I downloaded a karaoke version of the song and belted out the new words in my not-even-good-enough-for-karaoke voice).

Anyway, if any of them are reading this post, remember:  To the world you may be just another girl.  But to me, baby you ARE the world.


UPDATE!  You can check out my interview with bff Brodi here

Random Friday Round-Up

While I multi-task and work on my novel/catch up on email, I will use my newfound skillz to pay the billz and upload all the great photos from last week that I've been too lazy to load so far.  Check it out, yo: P1030472

My home-dawg James Dashner at the banquet with his editor, Krista.  Check out how Krista has totally mastered the art of looking good for a picture without plastering a cheesy smile on her face.   I have not learned this.

True story:  When I was getting a "head shot" taken for the release of my first book, I hired a professional photographer for the first time in my life (I didn't even hire one for my wedding).  So the photographer says.  "Okay, for each pose we'll take three pictures.  In one, smile really big.  In one, just have a small, soft smile, and in one, look serious."  I nodded.  See, this is why I hate professional photography.  I always feel like I'm going to mess up.  So I smile big.  Then I smile soft.  Then I look serous.  And the photographer puts down her camera and kind of shudders and says.  "Aah!  Not that serious."


Kim, Sara and Brodi looking studious as we wait for the session to start.


My friend Lisa and I held a "reading" at our hotel Wednesday night (she's the one on the left).  We each read a bit from our novel-in-progress, as did new friend Deanne Campbell (right) and Valynne (the one taking the picture).


And on the last day, I got to talk wayyy too briefly with my friend Jen White ( my California-girl gorgeous classmate at Vermont College!  How lucky am I that now she's a Utahn and we only live an hour apart?).  On the right is Janessa, a talented writer I've met only a few times but is in Jen's writing group.  How can you go wrong with a clique like that?

Happy Friday, everyone!  If I survive camp, I'll let y'all know in approximately one week.

One Great Post (Part 4 of 5)

Ah, Girls Camp.  The closer it approaches, the more dread I feel.  It is a good thing I really, REALLY love these girls.  Otherwise the meetings on top of meetings I attend prior to actual camp would be unbearable.  But before I leave so people can tell me random bits o' info about the menu for Dutch-oven night and the camp craft rotation schedule, I am posting yet again. The news I was too tired to post last night has to do with my friend and fellow writer Holly Cupala and the Summer Revision Smackdown!  To give a very, very poor explanation of the Summer Revision Smackdown:  Holly and one of her readergirlz co-divas decided to spend the summer helping YA writers everywhere to revise that dang manuscript (you know, the task that makes even taking off to Girls Camp seem like a good idea).  Each day, they're posting revision tips from some fantastic YA writers, and Holly asked ME to participate!  Click here to read what I had to say.

I just saw that today's post was by none other than Carrie Jones!  Carrie is an amazing writer and person, plus her urban fantasy Need is taking the YA world by a storm!  I guess it goes without saying that Carrie is my bff in all the world, although she lives in Maine (too far away to be part of  the Clique).  I have asked Carrie many times if she will come visit me this summer, but maybe it will sound better coming from you!  If anyone reading this will go to Carrie's blog and send her an email telling her to come to Utah this summer, I will give you chocolate.

Now, onto last week's Thursday fun at the BYU conference.  This was the night my dream came true and I got my much coveted photo with Louise Plummer!  Louise mentored me WAY back in college, when I first started seriously writing YA fiction.  She read a really bad novel I wrote that I now won't even read because it embarrasses me so.  But Louise didn't even make me a little bit embarrassed when she responded to the book.  Which is why I'm the published author I am today.

Anyway, since she was on the faculty at the BYU conference this year I was hoping to get a picture with her.  Alas, it looked as though that was not meant to be.  BUT...on the final night of the conference they held a banquet, and since I helped organize the mingle I got a special seat!  At a special table!  Which meant I was SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO LOUISE!  Oh, sweet goodness of life and its tiny miracles (okay, let's face it--for me this was a HUGE miracle).

The photo:


Third Time's A Charm

P1030466 I accidentally bad-clicked on this picture because in the thumbnails I couldn't see what it was a picture of.  In case you were wondering, it is a picture of delicious sushi Kim ordered at Shoga's, a sushi bar in Orem where we ate lunch last Wednesday.  Have I mentioned I love to photograph food?  I love to photograph food!

I tried putting text above this picture.  With all I've learned about technology this week it should work, right?  As you can see, it did not.  So the picture's random.  This blog is random.  What else is new?

Meanwhile, I am exhausted.  Getting ready for Girls Camp exhausts me.  Also, I just realized this will be my third summer in a row as a leader at camp.  Maybe this time will be a charm!  Think positive.

I have other news, but it's not that important (is anything really important when you're tired?) so I'll post it tomorrow.  Don't fret--it's really not that important.

And They Said It Couldn't Be Done...

My posting every day this week, that is.  And who are "they"? Oh, you know who you are.

Since yesterday's post covered last Monday, this post will cover last Tuesday, which was extra super fun because of the "mingle" held that evening.  Apparently this mingle is a conference tradition, held for faculty of the BYU conference and other published "kids" writers from across the Wasatch Front.  I feel like I am over-using quotation marks.  Anyway, the day was NOT just about the mingle!  It was about learning, too.  Because education can be fun!

I attended two great presentations: one on plot by Martine Leavitt and one on voice by Dandi Mackall. I tried to link to Martine's site, too, but she doesn't have one.  Just so you know I am not playing favorites or anything.  They are BOTH my favorite.  But  one has a website and one doesn't, so what can you do?  Anyway, I learned bunches and barely had time to digest it all before helping prepare for the mingle.

Because I am non-exclusive, I invited my friend Valynne to be my "spouse" for the mingle.  People might say this has less to do with my non-exclusivity pact and more to do with my actual spouse's lack of interest in attending the mingle.  I pay these people no mind.  Besides, Valynne is not only well on her way to publication, she is also good at carrying heavy things.


In this shot V and I are preparing drinks.  The picture was taken by moi, who momentarily forgot how cameras work.  Meaning I forgot that I would be IN the photo, thus I shouldn't wear my typical brace-yourself-for-the-worst expression.  Sadly, out of the three photos we took, this is the best one.  Anyway, the soda was sufficiently chilled.  That's all that really matters.

The mingle was a huge success (due in no small part to me, I'm not going to lie).  However, there were others involved (and by involved, I mean they actually did everything).  In charge were none other than my writer posse James Dashner, Sara Zarr, and Anne Freakin' Bowen!


Me with Anne.  Anne is not from the ghetto.

Speaking of Ann(e)s:


Here are Ann Dee Ellis and Ann (A.E) Cannon


Here is Sydney Salter (left) with two of the delightful editors at the conference.  Besides having a brand new book out (MY BIG NOSE AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS), Sydney is our regional advisor for the Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) so how fitting to get a picture of her with the big-wigs!

Okay, so there are lots of other pictures but they take forever to post, and time is money, people.  I have to wrap this up, especially since it's only Day 2 of my 5-Day Journey.  Don't want to get burned out.

Side note:  I am going to be interviewed on Brodi Ashton's ultra-blog! If you have any questions for the interview, send them her way!  Please.

Until tomorrow!

The Clique

P1030473 So, last week was the BYU Writing and Illustating for Young Readers Conference.  And I am not alone in saying it was sah-weet!  Seriously, I had one heck of a good time.  I know a bunch of other, better people have already blogged about this event, even DURING the event (perish the thought).  I had no time for this.  For one thing, I was writing.  And when I wasn't writing, I was hanging out with My Clique, aka My Peeps.

Does anyone else feel a negative chill when they hear the word "clique?"  I do.  It stems from a time much before the book series about an ultra-wenchy clique, too.  I suppose it My Childhood, a collection of dark days in which cliques existed solely to exclude/mock me.   Imagine my chagrin when my friend said,  "Guys, I feel like we're the biggest clique."

No!  A clique!  How can that be, when we love all and exclude none?   Honestly, we are not in much of a position to judge others, since I think each of us would agree we have something wrong with us.   Also, we don't mock people.  Unless, of course, those people are ourselves (who we mock freely).

Anyway, I was worried until she explained:  We weren't the biggest clique.  We were the biggest clique.  (The six of us were barreling into Brodi's ultra-vehicle at the time).   My issues solved (for the moment), we could enjoy the rest of the day in peace.  And enjoy we did!

Now, in a threefold effort to 1) show off my awesome conference pics, 2) learn how to use my computer and camera in harmony and 3) recap some of my favorite conference moments, I will be blogging EVERY DAY THIS WEEK!  Yahoo!  This yahoo is mainly for my own benefit, as who actually wants to read my blog every day?  But the point is that by doing so, I hope to acquire the mad skillz I so desperately seek.

To leave you on the edge of your seat (yet also somewhat fulfilled, like all the best cliff-hangers) here's another picture of the Clique, from Monday last:


Desserts I Have Known

I am back with my sister/scribe Juliana to help me!  That is why this post has pictures galore! Remember my last post when I mentioned my trip to Las Vegas?  Remember my 25 Things list when I mentioned my hobby of eating/photographing chocolate desserts?  Well here, in no particular order, is a sampling of the chocolate riches that are Las Vegas buffets. At the Monte Carlo:



At Paris (technically this is breakfast, not dessert--but I'm sure this pastry had enough calories to qualify):


More Monte Carlo (we had not one, but TWO buy one/get one free coupons to this buffet, courtesy of a generous woman we met in the New York New York food court.  Coupons rock my world!):




They tasted as good as they look.  Including the one with the weird blue "feathers," which I had my doubts about.  BYU fans, take heart!  This blue dessert is for you.

On another note, I returned from Vegas to see this good news!  Yep, I won $100 book gift card  for the spotlight I wrote about The King's English bookstore.  Thanks, Shrinking Violets!

Happy first weekend of June, everyone!  A special shout out to everybody who finished school this week, too.  Hope you celebrate hard core and if you are so inclined, tell me about it in the comments!

Where I Went Instead of BEA

This week, while my colleagues and friends were attending Book Expo America (BEA) in New York City, I was in Las Vegas.  No, this was not a consolation trip to cheer me up for missing BEA...or maybe it was.  But it was unintentional.  I promised my husband we'd go to Vegas to see Cirque du Soleil's LOVE (a tribute to the Beatles) for his birthday.  His birthday was six weeks ago and we finally had time to get away for a few days.  And let me tell you, it made me forget all my cares! For those who've never seen a Cirque du Soleil show or, more to the point LOVE,  I'll try to explain.  People say it's a glorified French-Canadian circus troupe, but that SO doesn't even come close.  LOVE was part Broadway musical, part rock concert, part magic show and part Mardi Gras parade.  Dan loves the acrobatics.  I loved the KILLER soundtrack.   I give the performance two thumbs way up.

Near the end of the trip I realized that while I had pictures of food a-plenty, I hadn't taken pictures of anything else.  This thought occured to me at Caesar's Palace, and right away a photo op presented itself:


Check out my guns!  Don't I look tough?

I know, I know.  You don't have to say it.

On another note:  As random commenter Juliana pointed out, whatever happened to my sister, scribe extraordinaire and computer genius, who helped me with my posts?  It's like when Aunt Jodi mysteriously disappeared from Jon and Kate Plus Eight!  Whaddya say, Juliana?  This weekend, for some blog bonding/Rock Band?  I'll call you!

Part II: Why Junior High is Better as an Adult than as a Teen

Yes, indeed:  Two posts in one week!  I am, in fact, supacool.  Some people are amazed when I even manage ONE post per week (Sara Z. and Bree, I'm looking in your direction.  DirectionS, actually, since you're in different places.  I'm talented like that--I can look two ways at once). But blogging twice it must be, because I have too much love for just one post.  And this love is for junior high and all the cherished memories I have made there.  Not when I was an actual junior high student, of course.   Those memories (at least the ones I haven't repressed) I'd prefer to forget.  I mean memories at the awesome junior high schools I've visited in the last few days.

First up was last Friday's Authors Day at Grantsville Junior High.  This was my first trip to Grantsville (a roadtrip made all the more delightful by the company of my boss friends Anne Freakin' Bowen and Wendy Toliver).  Now, before my visit I had a vague idea of where Grantsville was.  Vague is the key word here.  Grantsville is west of Salt Lake City--HECKA west.  But no worries--we made it there with plenty of time to tour the town and note local attractions, including a museum detailing the tragic history of the Donner Reed Party.

All 600 students at GJH took part in Authors Day, and enthusiasm was high.  p1020986

Obviously, this was not the picture I meant to insert.  This is a picture that my husband took when we went to EPCOT and saw how they can grow plants without soil.  It was all very educational, but not even CLOSE to the picture I wanted to download, which was of a bunch of happy GJH students.  However, as I don't know how to delete this picture, it stays.


Umm...okay.  This is a picture of me eating a delicious pastry at the France Pavilion (EPCOT again) with my friend Nate.  Again, entertaining, but so not what I was trying to get.  I give up, and will  have someone else help me get the GJH photos.  They were awesome.  Trust me.

Today I spoke at Granite Park, a junior high/middle school in Salt Lake City.  I talked to a bunch of 7th graders in Honors English.  They cracked me up with their comments and questions, my favorite being:  "If you could choose only one color, would it be purple or green?"  Thought-provoking!

I took some great pictures here, and none of them turned out blurry!   I'm afraid to try to retrieve them from my memory card because...well, I don't want to end up with some random shot of me in line for Space Mountain or some such insanity.  But anyway, it was a good time.

Going to junior high is SO much better when you aren't actually enrolled.

Part I: In Which I Wax On About DI

So, do you remember a few posts ago when I mentioned that I go wherever I'm invited?  Well, this mindset transcends my writer-life and exists in my regular-person life, as well.  If someone asks me to go somewhere, I do, which has led to some interesting experiences. Today I was asked to volunteer at Deseret Industries, or DI, for those in the know.   For those not in the know, DI is a thrift shop similar to Goodwill.  Most of the locations are in Utah (as DI is  run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)) but there are stores scattered throughout the West Coast.   As a side note, something I've long wondered about volunteer work:  Is it volunteering if you are asked to do it?  What is the actual definition of volunteer work?  Thoughts on this are more than welcome!

I got to wear a very cool apron, and my job was to sort and colorize the girls clothing racks.  Can you say bombtastic?  Go ahead, say it.  I won't tell Sara Zarr and let her make fun of you for it.  Anyway, this job made me wonder if I missed my true calling  as a retail sorter/colorizer.   One little Did-You -Know?-type fact:  DI does not colorize clothes according to rainbow order (ROYGBIV) as I would have expected (this is, of course, how I colorize my own clothes, because I am compulsive that way)(but you already knew that).  Instead, DI sorts clothes sort of from light to dark.  It threw me off a little at first, but no worries:  I had a handy pocket-sized chart, which I kept in my apron for reference.

Note to anyone who lives remotely close to the DI in Centerville, UT:  If you are on a budget but you (or your child) still want to wear name-brand clothes, go here!  Preferably on Wednesday, when (rumor has it) they restock their clothing racks.  Many ritzy people live in this area and buy their kids quality stuff, which their kids in turn outgrow and give away!  That's where Ordinary Joes come in and swoop it up for a fraction of the price.

This is A-1 merchandise.  In fact, DI Centerville had a selection of prom dresses so nice I actually thought:  "Too bad I'm not going to prom!"  Yes, I indeed thought this before realizing I did not want to go to prom.  However, they were great dresses.  And for $6??

I digress.  In fact, I've digressed for a whole post-length already and have gotten nowhere.  So I'm just going to make this a two-part post.  Because you've got a life.

Oh, and for those who might wonder:  No, I did not keep the apron.